Basis of $G/H$ for free abelian groups G.


If I have a free abelian group G with basis $\{g_i\}$ and H a subgroup of G. Then H is free abelian and a basis is given by the elements of $\{g_i\}$ that are in $H$, right?

Then under what condition is $G/H$ free? Is a basis given by $\{g_i+H\}$, for all the $g_i$ that are not in H?

Best Answer

Your first claim is wrong. Take the free abelian group $\mathbb{Z}$, which has basis $\left\lbrace 1\right\rbrace$. Then a subgroup is of the form $n\mathbb{Z}$ which is free, generated by $\left\lbrace n\right\rbrace$ which is not a subset of the generators of $\mathbb{Z}$.

You see that in this example no quotient is free. In fact, the quotient $G/H$ is free precisely if and only we can extend a basis of $H$ to a basis of $G$.

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