Basic question on p-adic numbers


I have a very basic question about $p$-adic numbers that arose while reading about $p$-divisible group-schemes. On the very first page of this paper for instance, as well as in other sources, it is suggested that


which surprizes me because as far as I know, this inductive limit actually is the definition of $\mathbb{Z}_p$ (as I see it on Wikipedia).

Could someone please confirm whether the above isomorphism is true (ie. exists), and if yes, explain why we have this identity?

I thank you very much.

Best Answer

I don't know about the direct (inductive) limit, but the definition of $\mathbf Z_p$ is that it is the inverse or projective limit: $$\mathbf Z_p=\varprojlim \mathbf Z/p^n \mathbf Z=\Bigl\{(\bar x_n)\in\prod_n\mathbf Z/p^n \mathbf Z\mid x_{n+1}\equiv x_n\bmod p^n \Bigr\}$$