Base-52 number system conversion


I'm trying to understand number systems.
Consider a base-52 number system consisted of following symbols as digits:


synonymous to 0123456789 digits in the base-10 number system.

how would we convert 100 from base-10 to base-52 ?

Best Answer

Just as the decimal number $100$ denotes $1 \cdot 10^2 + 0 \cdot 10^1 + 0 \cdot 10^0$, we can express $100$ in base $52$ by writing it as a linear combination of powers of $52$ (all of whose coefficients are between $0$ and $52 - 1 = 51$). Dividing by $52$, we see that $100 = 1 \cdot 52^1 + 48 \cdot 52^0$, so the base $52$-representation has the $48$th symbol (counting $a$ as the $0$th), namely $\texttt{W}$, in the rightmost place, and the $1$st symbol, namely $\texttt{b}$, in the second-rightmost place. Thus, using subscripts to denote bases for emphasis, we have $$\boxed{100_{10} = {\texttt{bW}}_{52}} .$$

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