Background on the appendix of Evans’ PDE

partial differential equations

In Evans' PDE book Appendix A, he defines $C^k(\overline{U}) = \{ u \in C^k(U) \, \Big\rvert \, D^\alpha u \, \text{is uniformly continuous on bounded subsets of} \, U, \text{for all} \, |\alpha| \leq k \}$. He then says that if $u \in C^k(\overline{U})$, then $D^\alpha u$ continuously extends to $\overline{U}$ for each multi-index $\alpha$, $|\alpha| \leq k$.

My question is why does the first statement imply the next? Answers with references to precise theorem statements would be super helpful.

Best Answer

Because if $U$ is bounded and $f:U\to \mathbb R$ is uniformly continuous, then $\lim_{x\to y}f(x)$ exist for all $y\in \partial U$. The way to prove is the following :

If $(a_n)\subset U$ is s.t. $a_n\to y\in \partial U$, then $(f(a_n))_n$ is a Cauchy sequence. From this, you can get $\lim_{x\to y}f(x)$ exist.