Baby Rudin 6.1, Proof verification

definite integralsproof-verification

Could anyone give me guidance with the proof of the following problem?

Suppose $\alpha$ increases in $[a,b]$, $\alpha$ is coutinuous at $x_0$, $f(x_0)=1$, and $f(x_0)=0$ if $x\neq x_0$. Prove that $f$ belongs to a set of Reimann Stieltjes functions and that $\int f d\alpha=0$ .

In the proof of Roger Cooke(, he proves it by showing that


will be lower that any finite $\epsilon$.

I don't understand why this should prove it.

Since from definition, for a function to have a Riemann Stieltjes integral, the upper and lower Reimann integrals of $f$ should be equal.

But in the proof, it is only proved that the difference is small than any finite number.

Best Answer

If a non-negative number is smaller than any finite number, it must be zero (you can try to prove it). Rudin actually has a theorem (Theorem 6.6) which says that the necessary and sufficient condition to show that a function is Riemann Integrable is by showing that the difference of the upper and lower integral are smaller than any finite number.