Baby Rudin 2.17 Perfect Set


I'm confused about the solution to 2.17 in Baby Rudin. Let 𝐸 be the set of all 𝑥∈[0,1] whose decimal expansion contains only the digits 4 and 7. Is 𝐸 countable? Is 𝐸 dense in [0,1]? Is 𝐸 compact? Is 𝐸 perfect?

The solution says that E is perfect. However, I don't see how E has a single limit point. For example, take .7 and let $\epsilon$ = .03 . Any other point q in E must be $\geq$ .74 or $\leq$ .48. .74 – .7 = .04 $\geq$ .03, and .7 – .48 = .22 $\geq$ .03. So $N_.03(.7)$ contains only .7 in E, so .7 is not a limit point.

What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

The number $0.7$ does not belong to $E$, since $0.7=0.70000\ldots$. Elements of $W$ are, for instance $0.77777\ldots$, $0.7474474447\ldots$ and so on.

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