Axioms of propositional logic


The book on which I'm studying logic (Mendelson) uses the following axioms:

$$\begin{array} {rl}
\text{A1)} & P \to (Q \to P) \\
\text{A2)} & [P \to (Q \to R)] \to [(P \to Q) \to (P \to R)] \\
\text{A3)} & (\lnot P \to \lnot Q) \to [(\lnot P \to Q) \to P] \\

Other sources I’ve seen replace A3) with one of the axioms:

$$\begin{array} {rl}
\text{A3’) }& (\lnot P \to \lnot Q) \to (Q \to P) \\
\text{A3’’)}& \lnot \lnot P \to P

Can someone give a proof of $A3$ in the systems $\{A1,A2,A3’\}$ and $\{A1,A2,A3’’\}$?

Best Answer

$\{A1, A2, A3''\}$ cannot establish $A3$. Just consider when $\lnot$ is interpreted as the identity.

$\{A1, A2, A3'\}$ can establish $A3$ because it is classically complete. But the actual derivation can be long and tedious. For reference Bram's answer to this question: help with some Hilbert style proofs in a propositional logic axiom system.