AXBYC matrix product find XY

kronecker productlinear algebramatrix equationsoptimization

I have a problem of the form


where $\mathbf{\Gamma}_1$ and $\mathbf{\Gamma}_2$ are diagonal and $\mathbf{A}$ is nonsquare. I would like to solve for the product $\mathbf{\Gamma}_1\mathbf{\Gamma}_2$ by minimizing an expression
\min_\mathbf{X} ~ \left\| \mathbf{E} \mathbf{x} – \mathbf{c} \right\|^2

where $\mathbf{x}=\text{vec}\left(\mathbf{\Gamma}_1\mathbf{\Gamma}_2\right)$ and $\mathbf{c}=\text{vec}(\mathbf{C}$). I know that for the simpler expression

it's possible to use the Kronecker product to obtain

which does the trick in that case. Is there anything analogous that would work for my problem?

Best Answer

Define the matrices $$\eqalign{ B=A^TA,\quad F=A^+C(A^+)^T,\quad X=\Gamma_1,\quad Y=\Gamma_2 \cr }$$ where $A^+$ denotes the pseudoinverse of $A$.

Let's also use a naming convention where uppercase letters are matrices and the corresponding lowercase letter is the vector formed from the main diagonal, e.g. $$\eqalign{ x = {\rm diag}(X),\quad y = {\rm diag}(Y),\quad f = {\rm diag}(F),\quad etc }$$ Solve the given equation for $(XBY)$ in a least-squares sense. $$\eqalign{ AXBYA^T &= C \quad&\implies\; XBY = F \cr }$$ Then extract the diagonals and isolate the term of interest. $$\eqalign{ {\rm diag}(XBY) &= {\rm diag}(F) \cr x\odot b\odot y &= f \cr x\odot y &= f\oslash b \;= {\rm diag}(XY) \cr \Gamma_1\Gamma_2 \;=\; XY &= {\rm diag}^{-1}(f\oslash b) \cr }$$ where $(\odot, \oslash)$ represent elementwise/Hadamard multiplication and division, and the ${\rm diag}^{-1}(v)$ operator creates a diagonal matrix from the input vector.

NB:  The formula to rewrite $\,{\rm diag}\big(XBY\big)\,$ as the Hadamard product of vectors does not apply to general matrices; it is only valid when $X$ and $Y$ are both diagonal matrices.

Because $B=A^TA$, none of the elements on the diagonal (i.e. the vector $b$) will be zero unless $A$ contains an entire column of zeros. Therefore it should be safe to perform the indicated Hadamard division $(f\oslash b)$.

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