Automorphism of the unit disk that fixes a point


I came across the following question:
For each $b \in \mathbb{D}$, construct an automorphism $\phi$ of the unit disk that is not the identity map such that $\phi(b)=b$.

I know that all automorphisms of the disk must have the form $e^{i\theta}\left(\frac{a-z}{1-\overline{a}z}\right)$ where $a \in \mathbb{D}$. The only map that I can see would fix $b$ is just a rotation by some multiple of $2\pi$. How should I proceed?

Best Answer

Assume $b \ne 0$ as otherwise problem trivial.

Take $\psi_1(z)=\frac{z+b}{1+\bar b z}$. Clearly $\psi_1(0)=b$. Now take $\psi_2(z)=\alpha\frac{z-b}{1-\bar b z}, |\alpha|=1, \alpha \ne 1$. Clearly $\psi_2(b)=0$ so $\phi=\psi_1 \circ \psi_2$ satisfies $\phi(b)=b$

Since $\psi_2(0)=-\alpha b \ne -b$, $\phi(0) \ne 0$ so $\phi$ is not the identity

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