Asymptotic growth of solutions to $x – C \log x = 0$


For $C>3$ a constant, I'm interested in the roots of the function
f(x) = x – C \log x,

defined for $x > 0$.
It's straightforward to say that this function has two roots by observing $f$ has a single local minimum at $x=C$ with $f(C) < 0$.
As $C \rightarrow \infty$, one of these roots approaches $1$, however, the second (larger) root grows at least linearly with $C$. Could the growth of this second root be bounded in terms of $C$?
In particular, I want to find an asymptotic upper bound for the larger root of $f$ as $C$ grows.

One easy bound is $e^C$, as $x > e^C$ implies $x > \log^2 x > C \log x$. Testing numerically, I feel this bound is very weak, but I have no idea how this could be improved or what the best possible bound could be.

Best Answer

For any $\alpha > 1$, we can check that

$$f(\alpha C\log C)=(\alpha-1+o(1))C\log C \qquad\text{as}\quad C\to\infty.$$

In particular, this tells that $x < \alpha C\log C$ for large $C$. On the other hand,

$$ x = C\log x = C\log(C\log x) \geq C\log C. $$

So it follows that $x \sim C\log C$ as $C\to\infty$. Throwing this to the identity $x = C\log x$, we easily check that

$$ x = C \left( \log C + \log\log C + \mathcal{O}\left( \frac{\log\log C}{\log C}\right) \right) \qquad\text{as}\quad C\to\infty. $$