Asymptotic behavior of integral involving Jacobi theta function

asymptoticsdefinite integralsspecial functions

Define a function
$$F_\lambda(\omega) = \int_0^1 \exp\left(-2\pi i \int_0^t \vartheta_3(-\pi t', \lambda)dt'\right) e^{2\pi i\omega t} dt,$$
where $\lambda\in(0,1)$ is fixed and $\omega\in \mathbb R$. Here, $\vartheta_3$ is the Jacobi theta function defined as $\vartheta_3(u,q) = 1 + 2\sum_{n=1}^\infty q^{n^2} \cos(2nu)$.

Question: What is the asymptotic behavior of $F_\lambda(\omega)$ for either $\omega \to \infty$ and $\omega \to -\infty$?


  1. The stationary phase method shows that $F_\lambda(\omega) = O(1/\omega^n)$ for arbitrary $n\in \mathbb N$.

  2. At $\lambda=1/2$, I numerically obtained $\log_{10}|F_{1/2}(\omega)|^2$ as a function of $\omega$:

enter image description here

$|F_{1/2}(\omega)|^2$ seems to decay exponentially, and non-symmetrically.

Best Answer

Let's start with defining the integral $I(x) = I_1(x) + iI_2(x)$ with

$$ I_1(x) = \int_0^1 \cos(g(t))\exp(2\pi ixt)dt, \quad I_2(x) = \int_0^1 \sin(g(t))\exp(2\pi ixt)dt, \quad x\to \infty $$

which then gives that the integral of interest is $I(x)$ with $g(t) = -2\pi\int_0^t \vartheta_3(-\pi t',\lambda)dt'$. Note that for each integral, there are no stationary points, this means that only the points $a=0$ and $b=1$ will contribute to the answer.

Given an integral on the form $I(x) = \int_{a}^b q(t)\exp(ixp(t))dt$ with no stationary points, it's value is asymptotically

$$ I(x) \sim \frac{ie^{ixp(a)}q(a)}{xp'(a)} - \frac{ie^{ixp(b)}q(b)}{xp'(b)}, \quad x\rightarrow \infty $$

So let's look at the theta function. We have

$$ \int_0^t \vartheta_3(-\pi t',\lambda)dt' = \int_0^t \left(1+2\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\cos(2\pi nt') \right)dt = t+\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\int_0^t \cos(2\pi nt')dt' = t +\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\lambda^{n^2} \frac{\sin(2\pi nt)}{\pi n} $$


$$ g(t) = -2\pi t-2 \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\lambda^{n^2} \frac{\sin(2\pi nt)}{n} $$

Clearly, $g(0)=0$ and $g(1) = -2\pi$. It is quite interesting to note that asymptotically, it is only the term $-2\pi t$ which contributes to the asymptotic expansion. I.e. if we plot the numerical solution where we truncate at different number of terms as a function of $x$, all will approach the same value for sufficiently large $x$.

For $I_1(x)$, let $p(t) = 2\pi t, q(t) = \cos(g(t))$. Note that $g(0) = 0 \Rightarrow q(0)=1$ and $g(1)=-2\pi\Rightarrow q(1) = 1$. Thus, one has

$$ I_1(x) \sim \frac{i}{2\pi x} \left(1 - e^{2\pi ix} \right) $$

with (one may check that this is true for both $x\to\pm\infty$)

$$ \Re(I_1(x)) \sim \frac{\sin(2\pi x)}{2\pi x}, \quad \Im(I_1(x)) \sim \frac{1}{2\pi x} (1-\cos(2\pi x)), \quad x\to \pm \infty $$

Now, we also look at $I_2(x)$, which is the same above except having $q(t)=\sin(g(t))$ instead. But at the endpoints, $q(0)=0$ and $q(1)=0$ in this case, so $I_2(x) \sim 0$ to leading order. Looking at this numerically, one sees that there are oscillations which decay faster than $O(x^{-1})$.

The asymptotics for $I(x)$ are seen below, compared to the numerical solution (here $\lambda = 0.5$).

enter image description here

Now, I'd like to add that I'm a bit unsure if I did things correctly. Clearly, the numerical integral I've plotted fits nicely, but I'm not certain if it's correctly implemented.o it would be nice to see if you can verify the results on your part as well.

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