Assume $|G|=40$. Show that the subgroup of order $8$ is normal and unique.


Assume a finite group $G$ with $|G| = 40$. Show that the subgroup of
order $8$ is normal and unique.


Since $|G| = 2^3 \cdot 5$, by the $1$st Sylow theorem, $G$ has at least one Sylow $2$-subgroup of order $8$.

Now, using the $3$rd Sylow theorem, the number $N$ of those Sylow $2$-subgroups is an odd number and divides $40$.

Since $1,2,4,5,8,10,20$ are the only divisors of $40$, smaller than $40$, those Sylow $2$-subgroups can either be $1$ or $5$.

If $N = 1$, it can be easily shown that this unique Sylow $2$-subgroup is normal and we're done.

My problem lies in the $N = 5$ case:

Assume that there exists $5$ Sylow $2$-subgroups of order $8$ and let $H,K$ be two of them.

Then, because

|HK| = \frac{|H||K|}{|H \cap K|}

$|H \cap K|$ must have at least $2$ elements. If it didn't, $|HK|$ would have $64$ elements, which is a contradiction.

Therefore $N[H \cap K]$'s order is a multiple of $8$ and a divisor of $40$. That leaves us with $|N[H \cap K]| = 40$ an thus:

H \cap K \trianglelefteq G

Is there a mistake somewhere? I cannot see why $5$ Sylow $2$-subgroups cannot coexist within $G$.

Best Answer

To support the argument in the comment by @the_fox , I am posting a proof.

Consider the dihedral group $D_{40}$ with the generators $r,s$ satisfying $o(r)=20,o(s)=2$ and $srs=r^-$

$D_{40}=\{1,s,sr^i,r^i : 1\le i \le 19\}$

Then consider the elements $x=s,y=r^5$, then $xyx=sr^5s=(srs)^5=(r^-)^5=(r^5)^-=y^-$.

Also $o(x)=2,o(y)=4$ and thus $H=\langle x,y\rangle$ is 8 order subgroup of $G$

Now let $g=sr$ and $y$ be the same as above. Then $o(g)=2$ and


Thus $K=\langle g,y \rangle$ is again a subgroup of order $8$

Now these are not the same subgroups as $sr^6 \in K$ but $ sr^6 \notin H$ which can be easily checked . Since there are more than one $2$-Sylow subgroup, it is not normal.

enter image description here

The various subgroups of eight elements are the groups of symmetries of the five different squares (shown in different colors) inscribed in a regular 20-gon. The big group permutes the five squares, and the Sylow $2$-subgroups are the stabilizers.