Associative law for infinite unions


Let $A$ be a function s.t. $\mbox{dom}(A)=I\times J$.

Prove that: $\bigcup_{i \in I,j \in J}A_{ij}=\bigcup_{i \in I}\left ( \bigcup_{j \in J}A_{ij}\right )$.

The problem is that I cannot interpret the right-hand side of the equation.

By the book, if $A$ is a function with $\mbox{dom}A=I$,

$\bigcup_{i \in I}A_{i}:=\bigcup\mbox{rng}(A)$.

On the left-hand side of the equality I have to prove, we clearly have a function.

On the right-hand side, no matter how I rearrange it, I cannot interpret the nested union by definition.

Let me explain.

By definition, on the left-hand side I have

$\bigcup_{i \in I,j \in J}A_{ij}\\
:=\bigcup_{(i,j)\in I\times J}A(i,j)\\

Let's see an example with:

$I\times J=\{(0,0),(0,1),(1,0),(1,1)\},\\


And in the following calculations we can see what we get left-hand side.

=\{y:\exists x[(x,y)\in A]\}\\

$\bigcup_{(i,j)\in I\times J}A(i,j)\\
=\bigcup \mbox{rng}A\\
=\{x:\exists y \in \mbox{rng}A(x \in y)\}\\
=\{x:\exists y \in \{\{0\},\{1\},\{2\},\{3\}\}(x \in y)\}\\

For the right hand side we define the following functions.

Let $i \in \{0,1\}$.

$A\upharpoonright (\{i\}\times \{0,1\})=A\cap (\{(i,0),(i,1)\}\times \mbox{rng}A),\\
A\upharpoonright (\{0\}\times \{0,1\})=A\cap (\{(0,0),(0,1)\}\times \mbox{rng}A),\\
A\upharpoonright (\{1\}\times \{0,1\})=A\cap (\{(1,0),(1,1)\}\times \mbox{rng}A)$.

We have then:

$\mbox{rng}A\upharpoonright (\{0\}\times \{0,1\}),\\
=\{y:\exists x[(x,y)\in A\upharpoonright (\{0\}\times \{0,1\})]\},\\

$\mbox{rng}A\upharpoonright (\{1\}\times \{0,1\}),\\
=\{y:\exists x[(x,y)\in A\upharpoonright (\{1\}\times \{0,1\})]\},\\

$\bigcup_{j \in J}A\upharpoonright (\{0\}\times \{0,1\})_{j}\\
:=\bigcup \mbox{rng}A\upharpoonright (\{0\}\times \{0,1\})\\
=\{x:\exists y \in \mbox{rng}A\upharpoonright (\{0\}\times \{0,1\})(x \in y)\}\\
=\{x:\exists y \in \{\{0\},\{1\}\}(x \in y)\}\\

$\bigcup_{j \in J}A\upharpoonright (\{1\}\times \{0,1\})_{j}\\

So it is clear by this example that taking the union for $i=1,2$ we get $\{1,2,3,4\}$.

Still, I don't have the definition for the nested union so I cannot really prove the theorem not knowing what am dealing with.

Is there a more general definition of infinite union I am not aware of?

Notation from: Introduction to Set Theory, Donald Monk.

Best Answer

Forget that theorem about rng. What you want to prove is obvious/trivial. Show that $x$ is an element of the RHS if and only if $x$ is an element of the LHS.

Probably starting like so: $x\in\bigcup_i\bigcup_j A_{i,j}$ if and only if there exists $i$ such that $x\in\bigcup_jA_{i,j}$.

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