Arrangement of $10$ people given $3$ cannot be next to each other.

combinatoricsdiscrete mathematics

Question: How many ways can you arrange a group of $10$ students given that $3$ of them cannot sit next to each other (they cannot sit as a group of $3$ nor can $2$ of them sit next to each other $-$ the three students need to be separated completely).

My attempt: Naturally, I went to counting possible cases and I decided to visualise different combinations if they were arranged in a line. I ended up with $15$ combinations that they could sit in a line such that they are unique and follow the condition if each line was a circle. From there it was pretty easy to see that $\dfrac{15 \times 3! \times 7!}{10}$ was the resulting answer. I have tried to justify the $15$ without counting situations, although I have been unsuccessful. Is this answer correct? If it is, how can I properly justify it? If it isn't, how would I approach a problem like this?

Any guidances or help would be greatly appreciated!

EDIT: I know for a fact $15$ is incorrect. I feel like it may be $12$ but still I'm not entirely sure.

Best Answer

(1) Assuming they in a line, not a circle, then imagine $7$ stars a row (the "other" students). Among the $8$ gaps in between or outside of those stars, choose $3$ for the locations of the special $3$ students. This can be done in $C(8,3)=56$ ways.

(2) Now order (say, left to right) both of the two subsets of students arbitrarily, this can be done $(7!)(3!)$ ways.

Each admissible arrangement of students corresponds to a unique sequence of choices in (1) and (2). So there are $56(7!)(3!)$ ways to do it.

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