Arithmetic statements independent of ZFC and standard model of arithmetic


I would like to understand what is meant by the standard model of arithmetic. It seems to me that this object depends on the set theory in which one is working.

To explain this point: consider a formula in the language of arithmetic which is independent of ZFC set theory, $\phi$. For instance a diophantine equation which has a root if and only if ZFC is inconsistent. Now $T_1=$ZFC$+\phi$ is consistent and so is $T_2=$ZFC$+\neg\phi$. And in the first set theory $T_1$, $\phi$ is true in $\mathbb N$ the natural numbers with set $\omega=\{\emptyset,\{\emptyset\},…\}$, while in the second $\neg\phi$ is true.

Doesn't this show that the sentences of arithmetic which are true in the standard model, that is the theory of arithmetic, depend on the set theory one works with?

And by the way I cannot see how it would be otherwise because what human mathematicians do is only write down proofs in formal systems. And by the Church thesis any system strong enough like PA is equivalent to any other, though of course some are more practical and better known to us, for historical reasons and other reasons.

Thank you for any insight.

EDIT: Could you point to textbooks or articles where the author mentions this issue, and that there are different arithmetics (the complete theories of $\mathbb N$) depending on the set theory, or the universe of sets, assumed in use?

EDIT 2023: I did not remember having asked this already (i thought about mathematics somewhat differently in 2018). I found my question through google, after reading wikipedia's page on true arithmetic. I commented on the topic in the talk page, and if anyone feels like providing feedback i would appreciate it.

Best Answer

Yes, that is correct. The choice of your mathematical universe will affect the objects inside the universe.

If you believe that inaccessible cardinals are inconsistent, but I believe that they are fine, then we fundamentally disagree on $\Bbb N$.

But the standard model is called the standard model, because inside a universe of set theory there is exactly one standard model. And I think that no foundational theory is considered foundational if it does not have some sort of uniqueness theorems for $\Bbb N$ (and $\Bbb R$, while we're at it).

So yes, we can disagree on our meta-theory which in turn means we might disagree on $\Bbb N$. But we also agree that it has to be the unique models of $\sf PA$ which is well-ordered. And then we can ask, what are the things that we can both definitely prove from $\sf PA$, and in this grey area, there is a lot of interesting mathematics, and arguably where most of our efforts are concentrated (for better or worse).

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