Aristarchus’ Inequality – algebraic proof


While looking for trigonometric inequalities, I stumbled upon Aristarchus' inequality, which states that for $0<\alpha<\beta<\pi/2$


In this post
(Proof of Aristarchus' Inequality) user141614 shows a completely algebraic proof of the first inequality using only $\sin(\alpha)<\alpha<\tan(\alpha)$.

I tried for a long time to reproduce a similar proof for $\tan$ by trying to prove the equivalent inequality
by using user141614's same idea, combined with trigonometric identities for the sum and product, but without success.

Does someone have hint on how to approach the problem? I really want an algebraic proof (which can potentially rely on easy-to-prove inequalities as the one above), no calculus.

Thank you in advance

Best Answer

I managed to find an easy proof:

For $0<\alpha<\beta<\pi/2$ we have $1>\cos(\alpha)>\cos(\beta)>0$ and thus (the orange chain was known) $$0<\sin(\alpha)\cos(\alpha)<\color{orange} {\sin(\alpha)<\alpha<\tan(\alpha)}=\frac{\sin(\alpha)}{\cos(\alpha)}<\color{red}{\frac{\sin(\alpha)}{\cos(\beta)}}.$$ Consequently, using that $0<\beta-\alpha<\beta$ in the previous equation (replacing $\alpha$ by $\beta-\alpha$) we obtain: $$\color{orange}{\beta-\alpha}<\color{red}{\frac{\sin(\beta-\alpha)}{\cos(\beta)}}=\tan(\beta)\cos(\alpha)-\sin(\alpha).$$ We conclude that \begin{align*} \frac{\beta}{\alpha}&=\frac{\beta-\alpha}{\alpha}+1\\ & <\frac{\tan(\beta)\cos(\alpha)-\sin(\alpha)}{\sin(\alpha)}+1\\ & = \frac{\tan(\beta)}{\tan(\alpha)}. \end{align*}

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