Area under two curves and between two curves are equal.

areacalculusintegrationordinary differential equations

In the accompanying figure, y=f(x) is the graph of a one to one continuous function f. At each point P on the graph of y=2x^2, assume that the areas OAP and OBP are equal. Here PA, PB are the horizontal and vertical segments. Determine the function f.
Link to the question diagram

Now my approach is this:
First area under $y=2x^2$ and $y=x^2$ at a point x is $x^3/3$. Now we need area $OAP$. If we rotate the axes by π/2 radians and reflect the rotated graph about the y axis, we should still preserve the area of the region OAP.

So, first we rotate the axes by π/2 radians and get the equation of $y=2x^2$ and $y=f(x)$ in the rotated system as

$y=\sqrt{\frac{-x}{2}}$ and

Now to reflect the graph about the y-axis, we replace x with -x to get the transformed equations as

$y=\sqrt{\frac{x}{2}}$—(1) and $y=f^{-1}(x)$—(2)

Now we need to find the area under the two curves (1) and (2) from 0 to f(x).

So we have

Area $OAP = \int_{t=0}^{f(x)}{\sqrt{\frac{t}{2}}-f^{-1}(t) dt}$

Since Area $OAP = x^3/3$, upon differentiating we have

$\sqrt{\frac{f(x)}{2}} – (x-f^{-1}(0)) = x^2$.

Thus we have $f(x)= 2(x^2+x-f^{-1}(0))^2$
And from the figure, and the fact that area OPB tends to 0 as x tends to 0, $f^{-1}(0)=0$

Im unable to find the mistake here, and would be grateful to anyone that could point it out.

Best Answer

The area equation should be set up, instead, as

$$A_{OAP}=\frac13 x^3 = \int_{0}^{2x^2}{\left(\sqrt{\frac{t}{2}}-f^{-1}(t) \right)\ dt} $$ which, after differentiation, yields $$x^2=4x \left[x-f^{-1}(2x^2) \right] $$ or $ f^{-1}(2x^2) =\frac34x$. Solve to obtain $f(x)=\frac{32}9x^2$.

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