Area of the region bounded by $f(x)$ and $g(x)$? ($f(x)=|2-x|$ and $g(x)=2-|2-x|$)

absolute valueareacalculusdefinite integralsintegration


Find the area of the region bounded by $f(x)$ and $g(x)$.

I was told that you actually need two definite integrals to solve this problem, since it involved absolute value, and $$\int_1^3 [g(x)-f(x)] dx$$ wasn't going to cut it. But I'm not exactly sure why. Instead, I would have to do: $$\int_1^2 [g(x)-f(x)] dx + \int_2^3 [g(x)-f(x)] dx$$ …or (since a cursory graph sketch reveals symmetry about the line $x=2$), $$2\int_1^2 [g(x)-f(x)] dx$$.

How do you go about solving these absolute value area-between-curves problems? They sound really tricky due to the presence of potential signage errors, and I would like to know how to solve them.

Best Answer

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You can solve such questions easily by drawing the graph. After drawing the graph,you can find out the area of the enclosed region, which in this case is a square whose side length is $\sqrt{2}$ units,therefore the area is 2 sq. units.

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