Area double integral over a semicircle domain

change-of-variablemultiple integralmultivariable-calculuspolar coordinatessolution-verification

Let $D=\big\lbrace (x,y)\in\mathbb{R}^2\mid\frac{1}{2}<x^2+y^2<3 ~\text{and}~ y>0\big\rbrace$

I want to compute $A$ the area of this domain.
By a change of variable to polar coordinates we get $\Delta=\big\lbrace (r,\theta)\mid\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}<r<\sqrt{3} ~\text{and}~ 0< \theta < \pi \big \rbrace$ so

My question is am I wrong about the domain $\Delta$ ? When I use basic geometry with circle areas I find

Or did I missed something else ?

Best Answer

You have the wrong integrand. For calculating area it should be $$\iint_D1\,dx\,dy$$