Are two formulae $\phi = p, \psi = \neg p$ equisatisfiable


Two formulae $\phi$ and $\psi$ are equisatisfiable if both of them are satisfiable or none of them is satisfiable. And they can have their own independent truth assignments $\tau_{1}$ and $\tau_{2}$ such that $\tau_{1}$ assigns True to $\phi$ and $\tau_{2}$ assigns True to $\psi$, they need not be True on the same truth assignment $\tau$.

But in the answer given here, it is said that Equsatisfiability means- The two formulae are satisfiable if there is a model in which both are true. Isn't it incorrect?

So according to my understanding p and ~p are equisatisfiable, aren't they?

Best Answer

Wikipedia : "two formulae are equisatisfiable if the first formula is satisfiable whenever the second is". In order that $p$ and $\neg p$ to be equisatisfiable a very weak interpretation of whenever must be adopted.

Wikipedia: "Equisatisfiability is generally used in the context of translating formulae," examples "Skolemization" and "translations into conjunctive normal form". In these examples the interpretation of whenever could be asymmetric. In any model that the first sentence is satisfiable the second sentence is satisfiable.

I am no expert and would be delighted to be corrected. But I find it hard to believe that when people say "Skolemization results in equisatisfiable sentences not equivalent sentences" that they are adopting such a weak interpretation of equisatisfiable.

As symmetry is implied in the Wiki description of equisatisfiable we could take a reasonably standard approach (In category theory adjunctions are frequently interpreted as weak equalities) and interpret equisatisfiable to imply the existence of a Galois mapping connecting the two sentences. Then the asymmetry caused by one term containing a superset of non-logical functions can be modeled by requiring the Galois connection be a retract (a Galois connection with one sided inverse) regards david