Are there $n$ disjoint, connected sets whose union is $\mathbb{R^3}$ which translate to each other


When thinking the other day about grids, it occurred to me that if you take each point $p$ in $\mathbb{Z^3}$ and place a cube of sidelength 0.5 with $p$ as its center and then connect the cubes by extruding their faces to meet all their "nearest neighbours" (i.e all points with one of their coordinates $+$ or $-$ $p$'s value), you get a 3D grid with the nice property that its complement in $\mathbb{R^3}$ is connected.

It then occurred to me that its complement was in fact a copy of itself translated by a specific vector. My question: Is there a way of splitting $\mathbb{R^3}$ into 3 disjoint connected sets, so that you can make with one all the others through translations?

If this is possible: Can we do this with $n$ sets?

If this isn't possible: Can we make a construction that works for $n$ sets if we further allow the operations of rotation and scaling?

REMARK: It also occurs to me that if it isn't possible to make it work in 3-space, then it might work in higher dimensions… This intuition comes from the fact that in 2-space, the complement of a grid is a bunch of disjoint squares (i.e. the complement is not a connected set), while in 3-space there is "enough room" for its complement to still be connected.

Best Answer

Some preliminaries in $\Bbb R^2$: Let $$S_0=\{\,(x,y)\in\Bbb R^2\mid 0\le y<1\,\}$$ and $$T_0 =\{\,(x,y)\in\Bbb R^2\mid 0\le x+y<1\,\}.$$ Then the translates of $S_0$ by all integer multiples of $(0,1)$ are a tiling (covering with pairwise disjoint parts) of $\Bbb R^2$. The same holds for the translates of $T_0$ by all integer multiples of $(0,1)$. Now let $$S=\bigcup_{k\in n\Bbb Z}(S_0+(0,k)),\qquad T=\bigcup_{k\in n\Bbb Z}(T_0+(0,k))$$ and with $n\ge 2$, for $0\le i<n$, let $$A_i=\{\,(x,y,z)\mid (z>0\land (x,y-i)\in S)\lor z\le 0\land (x,y-i)\in T)\,\}.$$ Then the $A_i$ are a tiling of all of $\Bbb R^3$ and are translates of each other. Moreover, they are readily seen to be path-connected.

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