Are there more truths than proofs


Noson Yanofsky is a theoretical computer scientist at Brooklyn College.
He presents the following argument on pages 329-330 of his book The Outer Limits of Reason, published by the MIT Press.

  1. The set $\mathbb{N}$ of natural numbers has uncountably many subsets.

  2. Let $x$ be a natural number and $S$ a subset of $\mathbb{N}$. Exactly one of the following statements expresses a mathematical fact: (a) $x \in S$, (b) $x \notin S$.

  3. It follows from (1) and (2) that there are uncountably many mathematical facts.

  4. Let $T$ be a first-order theory. Then $T$ has only countably many formulas.

  5. It follows from (3) and (4) that there are more mathematical facts than formulas in $T$.

  6. Therefore $T$ cannot express, much less prove, all mathematical facts.

For Yanofsky's own words, see the article: "Most truths cannot be expressed in language."

I have heard people say similar things on podcasts. They try to explain Gödel's first incompleteness theorem as stating that there are more truths than proofs.

Question.$\ \ $Is Yanofsky's argument valid? If not, why?

It seems to contradict the answers to the following questions: 1, 2, 3. However, Yanofsky seems to be an expert in this area, and his argument was published by the MIT Press.

Note that Yanofsky writes:

"This is all about mathematical facts – not about what can be stated. A mathematical statement is a mathematical fact that can be put into symbols. We saw above that… there are countably [many] mathematical statements. Hence there are massively more mathematical facts than mathematical statements."

Perhaps this could be made more precise by encoding mathematical facts as sets.

Best Answer

That's correct, but it is not very interesting: we don't have "access" to most mathematical facts. It is not even clear what a proof of an arbitrary mathematical fact would mean, because to ask for a proof of something we have to write it down, and there are only countably many strings we can write.

Gödel's theorem is much more interesting: it says that there is a formula that is independent of PA. So you can write some statement in arithmetic language (and it actually can be as simple as "this Diophantine equation has a solution") and neither it nor its negation can be proved in PA.

Compare it with, say Euclidean geometry. There are uncountably many lines and points, so there are an uncountable number of "facts" like "this point is / is not on this line". But Euclidean geometry is complete. So Gödel's theorem shows a difference between arithmetic and geometry.

And also there is (assuming consistency of ZF) a model of ZF where there are, from an outside point of view, only countably many sets.