Are the Sylow $2$-subgroups of $A_6$ Carter subgroups


By $A_6$ I mean the alternating group on $6$ letters, which is not solvable and so needn’t have Carter subgroups, but if they exist will still be conjugate. Since the sylow $2$-subgroups are conjugate, nilpotent and to me seem to be selfnormalizing, I’m wondering if this is true, and if hence the sylow $p$-subgroups for $p=3$ and $5$ cannot be selfnormalizing? As stated here and on Wikipedia, $A_5$ has no Carter subgroups. What is the situation for An when $n>6$? For one thing, since the Sylow $2$-subgroups in $A_6$ are selfnormalizing, wouldn’t they necessarily remain that way for larger $n$ by conjugating a part of the sylow $2$-subgroup that is in a part of the $A_n$ that has just $6$ letters?(And they would remain conjugate and nilpotent).

Best Answer

The Sylow-2 subgroups of $A_6$ are self-normalizing because there are 45 of them, and the order of $A_6$ is 8*45.

There are 45 because each is an index two subgroup of the $2\times D_8$ Sylows in $S_6$. There are 15 ways to partition 6 points into 4 and 2 points, and, given that, 3 ways the $D_8$ can act on the four points, and these differences are preserved in $A_6$...e.g., one can have $(12)(3456)$, $(12)(3546)$, or $(12)(3465)$, in the Sylow, but these are all in distinct Sylows.

Thus a Sylow-2 in $A_6$ is a Carter subgroup.

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