Are smooth curves under a diffeomorphism smooth curves


Recently, I was reading a proof about showing the tangent space of a smooth manifold, and I was struggling in understand this:

Let $\phi$ be a diffeomorphism, then $\phi$ induces a bijection between smooth curves in $U$ (open in $\mathbb{R}^n$) and smooth curves in $\phi(U)$.

I think this is because diffeomorphism is a bijection such that it preserves the geometric structure between two sets. Am I correct?

Best Answer

A smooth curve is (typically) a smooth map $f:[0,1]\to U$. And so if $\varphi:U\to V$ is a diffeomorphism then our smooth curve induces a smooth curve $g:I\to V$ given by the composition $g:=\varphi\circ f$. And so $f\mapsto \varphi\circ f$ is a function between sets of smooth curves with the inverse $g\mapsto \varphi^{-1}\circ g$. That's most likely what the author meant.