Are singletons open sets


I've recently been learning about metric spaces and one of the very important definitions are of open sets and open balls.
I have a question that was raised when reading on a website that a singleton in a metric space $(X,d)$ such as $[p]$ is considered to be an open set for example let the set be $[0,1]$ and the metric be the standard metric is it true to say that the singleton $[1]$ is an open set? Since the $B_r$(1)=$[1]$ and this open ball is contained in the set.
However is this true for all singletons in the metric space $(\mathbb{R},d)$.
I'm new to metric spaces and I'm sure this is a very trivial question for most of you but its really confusing me.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

You define a metric space by $(X,d)$ where $X$ is a non-empty set and $d$ is the distance function. In the metric $(X,d),\,\, X$ is the universal set. So $X$ is always an open set. Now if you take $X$ as a singleton set then $X$ is always open.

Consider the Discrete metric space(trivial metric space) with $X=\mathbb Z$ or any subset of $\mathbb Z$. If you take any $0<r<1$ then every singleton set consisting a single integer is open in $X$.

In the usual metric, (Euclidean metric of degree 1) $(\mathbb R,d)$ no singleton set is open.