Are simultaneously diagonalizable matrices dense in $(M_{n\times n})^k$


Let $M_{n\times n}$ be the space of $n\times n$ matrices (over algebraically closed field). Then I know that the diagonalizable matrices are dense in $M_{n\times n}$ (because $M_{n\times n}$ is irreducible wrt. Zariski topology and the diagonalizable matrices are the open subset defined by the nonvanishing of the discriminant). If $(M_{n\times n})^k$ consists of $k$-tuples of matrices, do the tuples of simultaneously diagonalizable matrices form a dense subset?

Best Answer

No, quite the opposite in fact, even for $k=2$.

Two diagonalizable matrices are simultaneously diagonalizable iff they commute. This is a relatively rare situation, not a common one: it is defined by the simultaneous vanishing of all the entries in the matrix $AB-BA$. Instead of a Zariski-open condition, you have a Zariski-closed one, defining a variety of a fairly small dimension.