Are points and vectors (in $\mathbb{R}^n$) different objects? If yes, then why can we switch between them in a proof

differential-geometrylinear algebramultivariable-calculusreal numbers


In Hubbard and Hubbard's book on vector calculus, $\mathbb{R}^{n}$ is defined as the space of ordered lists of $n$ real numbers. The authors then say that a given element of $\mathbb{R}^{n}$ can be interpreted in the following two ways:

  1. An element of $\mathbb{R}^{n}$ is said to be a "point" (in $\mathbb{R}^{n}$) if it represents some sort of position/state.
  2. An element of $\mathbb{R}^{n}$ is said to be a "vector" (in $\mathbb{R}^{n}$) if it represents some sort of change/increment.

Then the book pauses to emphasize that two points cannot be added $(\text{New York}+\text{Boston}=???),$ but two vectors can. It also goes on to define scalar multiplication for vectors, difference of two points, sum of a point and a vector and sum of two vectors.

The authors give the following remark:

"An element of $\mathbb{R}^{n}$ is an ordered list of numbers whether it is interpreted as a point or as a vector. But we have very different images of points and vectors, and we hope that sharing them with you explicitly will help you build a sound intuition. In linear algebra, you should think of elements of $\mathbb{R}^{n}$ as vectors. However, differential calculus is all about increments to points. It is because the increments are vectors that linear algebra is a prerequisite for multivariate calculus: it provides the right language and tools for discussing these increments."

Another important remark is also given:

"Sometimes, often at a key point in a proof, we will suddenly start thinking of points as vectors, or vice versa."

Reflections on H+H's Explanation

It seems like Hubbard and Hubbard are suggesting that points and vectors are nothing more than labels we give to the same object (a real $n$-tuple). We choose which label we want to give a $n$-tuple based on what we are using the $n$-tuple for/how we are thinking about it.

In this case, points and vectors are the same mathematical object ($n$-tuple), and the only reason for why we can't scale points, or add points to other points is because it breaks our "mental model/interpretation" of points being $n$-tuples that represent locations/states ($\text{New York+Boston=???, and 5}\cdot \text{New York=???}$).

Also, points and vectors being the same objects means there is no harm in switching between the two (provided we don't switch one of them in a way that breaks our interpretation of points/vectors. E.g., if we have $x+y$, for vectors $x$ and $y$, we can switch $x$ with a point and leave $y$ alone (or vice versa), but we cannot switch both $x$ and $y$ out for points because we can't add points). This justifies the second remark from the book.

This all makes sense to me.

  • Points and vectors in $\mathbb{R}^{n}$ are the same objects ($n$-tuples), and we just use these two different terms to provide additional context to how we are thinking about/visualizing/using the $n$-tuple.
  • Points represent locations/states, vectors represent changes/increments.
  • The "rules" of not being able to add two points and not being scale a point are solely there to ensure that our interpretation of what the $n$-tuple is representing is consistent with our intuition $(\text{New York + Boston=???, 5}\cdot \text{Boston=???}).$

But I have run into a few problems.


In some of the popular threads of similar questions it seems like some people are claiming that points and vectors in $\mathbb{R}^{n}$ actually ARE different mathematical objects (See
What is the difference between a point and a vector?).

That's not what I thought at first reading H+H, but ok, it seems reasonable that points and vectors are different mathematical objects, rather than just contextual indicators for the same object. They are used to represent different things (location vs displacement) after all, and they have different operations that can be performed on them. So I have the following question.

Question 1: Are points and vectors (in $\mathbb{R}^{n}$) simply different interpretations of the same mathematical object ($n$-tuple), or are they fundamentally different objects? If they are different, how are each of them defined?

And if points and vectors ARE different mathematical objects, then how can we reconcile this with the fact that we want to be able to switch between points and vectors in the middle of proofs (Remark 2 from H+H)? This is the second question I have.

Question 2: If points and vectors in $\mathbb{R}^{n}$ are different mathematical objects, how are we able to switch between these two distinct objects in the middle of a proof and still have our proof be valid (i.e., How do we reconcile the fact they are different with remark $2$ from the book)?

Any help at all would be extremely appreciated!

Best Answer

The point they are making is a subtle one. You can think of points and vectors as the same thing, and this is fine. But, to elaborate on their distinction a little, the set $\mathbb{R}^n$ is an example of many types of mathematical object. It is a set of course. It is also a vector space (hence the elements are vectors). It is also other things, like it is a group. It is a manifold/geometric object, too. The elements of $\mathbb{R}^n$ are just elements, but when we are thinking of them as elements of a vector space, we might think of them as vectors. When we are thinking of them as elements of a manifold, we think of them as points. And so on...