Are inverses of groups unique in general


A group is a mathematical construct having closure, inverse, identity and Associativity.

I am having trouble in proving (or disproving) if the inverse of an element are unique?

I have tried to prove $b=c$ in the following cases:

Here $a$ and $b$ belong to the set and $\cdot$ is used to show the operation


$$a\cdot b=e_1$$
$$a\cdot c=e_1$$

where $x\cdot e_1=x$ (right identity, i.e., $e_1$ is multiplied to the right hand side to get $x$)

  1. $$a\cdot b=e_2$$
    $$a\cdot c=e_2$$

$e_2\cdot x=x$ (left identity, i.e., $e_2$ is multiplied to the left hand side to get $x$)

In which case and why, we can say that $b=c$?

Best Answer

The trick here is to pit two inverses $s,t$ of an element $x$ against each other. Let $e$ be the identity element.

By definition, $s\cdot x=e=x\cdot s$ and $t\cdot x=e=x\cdot t$.

We have

$$\begin{align} s&=s\cdot e\\ &=s\cdot (x\cdot t)\\ &=(s\cdot x)\cdot t\\ &=e\cdot t\\ &=t. \end{align}$$

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