Are finite sets of points in projective space non-singular.


Let's say we have a projective algebraic set $X = \{p_1,…,p_n\}$ that's just a finite set of points. Is X non-singular? My understanding is that a variety/algebraic set is non-singular if the tangent space at each point has the same dimension as the variety/algebraic set itself, but I don't know what the tangent space of a single point would be.

Best Answer

When your base field $k$ is characteristic $0$ or algebraically closed, $X$ is always non-singular, and the morphism $X\rightarrow spec(k)$ is smooth(and etale) in these cases.

If you are in the setting of classical algebraic geometry, when $k$ is algebraically closed, the dimension of X is $0$, and the tangent space at each point is again $0$, so it is indeed non-singular.

But in modern setting, when $k$ is an arbitrary field, the answer to your question depends on whether the residue field at each $p_i$ is separable over $k$ or not. As a scheme, X is just the spectrum of a product of finite extension of your base field(assuming each $p_i$ is a closed point, but this is necessary for X to be a closed subset of $P^n$), i.e. $X= spec(\prod k_i)$, where each $k_i$ is a finite extension of $k$, your base field. When all these extensions are separable, the morphism $X\rightarrow spec(k)$ is smooth(actually, etale), and $X$ is a non-singular variety(if you call it a variety). The separable condition is always satisfied when $k$ is char $0$ or algebraically closed, but not always so in char $p$. Just like @KReiser mentioned, the case $F_p(t)/F_p(t^p)$ may happen, when you let your base field $k=F_p(t)$, and let $p$ to be the point in $P^1=Proj(k[x,y])$ corresponds to the polynomial $x^p=ty^p$.

Generally, the tangent space of a variety at a point is defined to be the dual of the stalk of the sheaf of relative differentials, i.e. $T_xX=\Omega_{X/k,x}^*$ . And smoothness is defined to be flat + relative differential locally free of the same relative dimension. When K/k separable, it is known that $Ω_{K/k}=0$.

In any case, $X$ is always a regular scheme.