Are epimorphisms in the category of Stone spaces surjective


Clearly, if a map between Stone spaces is surjective on points it is an epimorphism. In the category of topological spaces, surjections coincide with epimorphisms. In the category of Hausdorff spaces, epimorphisms are precisely the continuous functions with dense image: in one direction, dense maps are epis since equalizers are closed and $hf=kf$ iff $\mathrm{im}(f)$ is contained in the equalizer of $h$ and $k$; in the other direction, if $f:X\to Y$ doesn't have dense image, then it coequalizes the two distinct maps $i,j: X\to (X+X)/\sim$ where $\sim$ identifies the two copies of the closure of the image. I think if the construction of $(X+X)/\sim$ could be performed in the category of Stone spaces it would show that all epimorphisms in this category are surjective, since $\mathrm{im}(f)$ is always closed whenever $X$ is compact Hausdorff. However, I don't know if Stone spaces are closed under the necessary pushouts as a subcategory of topological spaces.

Best Answer

For a direct topological proof, suppose $f:X\to Y$ is not surjective and let $y\in Y\setminus f(X)$. In a Stone space, points can be separated by clopen sets, and then by a compactness argument points and closed sets can be separated by clopen sets. So, there is a clopen set $C\subseteq Y$ such that $y\in C$ and $f(X)\subseteq Y\setminus C$. We now have $1_Cf=0f$ where $1_C,0:Y\to\{0,1\}$ are the characteristic function of $C$ and the constant $0$ map, respectively. This witnesses that $f$ is not epic in the category of Stone spaces.