Are dual quaternions and 3D multivectors isomorphic


Dual quaternions are popularly used as a representation of SE(3) in animation and robotics, with the second 'epsilon' quaternion used to encode translation. This feels fairly natural, as the fact that rotation can influence position but position cannot influence rotation is built directly into the structure.

Nonetheless, it seems like the 3D multivectors of geometric/clifford algebra might be an even more natural fit, since the units associated with the vector and bivector components would actually match the geometric dimension of the quantities that they encode. However, when multiplied these allow the odd elements from the two multivectors to combine and feed back into the even 'rotor' components.

Is there a simple mapping between these two algebras, perhaps achieved by pre-multiplying the odd elements by a nilpotent multivector (maybe |1 + e0^e1^e2|), or do these two algebras fundamentally have different behavior?

Best Answer

are dual quaternions and 3D multivectors isomorphic?

Not as rings: the first is isomorphic to $\mathbb H[X]/(X^2)$ and the second is isomorphic to $M_2(\mathbb C)$. The first one has a nonzero central nilpotent element and the second does not.

As $\mathbb R$ vector spaces, yes, because any two $8$-dimensional real vector spaces are isomorphic.

Would it be fair to say that quaternions are effectively the square roots of scaled rotations?

No, because it suggests “$q^2=kR$ for some rotation $R$ and scalar $k$ is a rotation” which seems meaningless to me. The fact is that all nonzero quaternions effect rotations using the conjugation action. The ones effecting the same rotation differ by a scalar.