Are all models of this theory isomorphic to $V_\omega$


Working in $\mathcal L(=,\in)_{\omega_1, \omega}$, add the following axioms:

$\textbf{Existence: } \exists x: x=x\\\textbf{Extensionality: } \forall z ( z \in x \leftrightarrow z \in y) \to x=y \\ \textbf{Finite Construction: } \\\bigwedge_{n \in \omega} \forall v_0..\forall v_n \exists x: x=\{v_0,..,v_n\} \\ \textbf{Finiteness: }\\ \forall x: x=\varnothing \lor \bigvee_{n \in \omega} \exists v_0 .. \exists v_n: x=\{v_0,..,v_n\} \\ \textbf{Foundation: } \\ \forall x: \neg [ \bigwedge_{n \in \omega} (\exists v_0..\exists v_n: \bigwedge_{i \in n} (v_{i+1} \in v_i) \land v_0 \in x)] $

I want to make sure that this theory has all of its models isomorphic to $V_\omega$. That is, it is categorical and thus complete in $\mathcal L(=,\in)_{\omega,\omega}$

Best Answer

Yes $V_\omega$ is, up to isomorphism, the only model of the theory you describe: If $\mathcal M$ is such a model then by induction on $n<\omega$ one can show that $\mathcal M$ has a member which is (isomorphic to) $V_n$, so there is a (unique) $\in^{\mathcal M}$-transitive substructure $\mathcal N$ of $\mathcal M$ which is isomorphic to $V_\omega$. If $\mathcal M$ would contain a member $x_0$ not in $\mathcal N$, then there is $x_1\in^{\mathcal M} x_0$ which is not in $\mathcal N$ either as otherwise $x_0$ would be a finite subset of $\mathcal N$, so an element of $\mathcal N$. But going on like this one can construct a descending sequence $x_0\ni^{\mathcal M} x_1\ni^{\mathcal M} x_2\ni^{\mathcal M}\dots$, contradiction foundation. So $\mathcal M=\mathcal N\cong V_\omega$.