Arbitrarily long palindromes in two consecutive number bases


Is it possible to construct an arbitrarily long double palindrome?

The double palindrome of length $d$ is a number that is palindromic
(digits are the same when reversed) in two consecutive number bases
$b,b-1$ and has $d\gt 1$ digits in both bases.

Notice that $d$ must be odd. (Even length palindrome in base $b$ is divisible by $b+1$.)

For example, smallest such $d$ length numbers $N$ are:

d & N_{} & N_{b} & N_{b-1} \\
3 & 46 & (1,4,1)_{5} & (2,3,2)_{4} \\
5 & 2293 & (1,4,3,4,1)_{6} & (3,3,1,3,3)_{5} \\
7 & 186621 & (1,4,0,5,0,4,1)_{7} & (3,5,5,5,5,5,3)_{6} \\
9 & 27924649 & (1,5,2,4,1,4,2,5,1)_{8} & (4,5,6,2,3,2,6,5,4)_{7} \\
11 & 1556085529 & (1,3,4,5,7,7,7,5,4,3,1)_{8} & (5,3,3,6,3,3,3,6,3,3,5)_{7}


Where $N_b$ stands for number base $b$ representation.

Can we given an arbitrarily large odd $d$, construct such an example? Not necessarily the smallest.

If a construction is not possible, is it possible to have a
non-constructive proof that there exist arbitrarily long double

For example, the following number is a $101$ digit example in number bases $2^{100},2^{100}-1$:


And it is of size $\approx10^{3040}$ (definitely not the smallest $d=101$ example).

Best Answer

I have not worked out a proof yet , but it seems that $$n:=\frac{b^k-1}{b+1}$$ with even $k\ge 2$ is palindrome in bases $b$ and $b+1$ for sufficient large $b$. For example , $b=10^{99}$ and $k=108$ does the job.