Applying transfinite recursion


Let $f\colon\alpha\to\beta$ be a function between ordinals $\alpha,\beta$.

I want to define a function $g\colon\alpha\to\gamma$ for some ordinal $\gamma$ so that

$(\forall \eta < \alpha)(g(\eta) = \max\{f(\eta),\bigcup_{\xi < \eta} (g(\xi)+1)\})$

This construction appears in a book by Krzysztof Ciesielski called "Set Theory for the working mathematician". The author doesn't specify the process of obtaining such a function from $f$, simply saying that is it defined by "transfinite induction".

My thoughts on the matter:

From what I can see, we need the following transfinite recursion theorem:

Transfinite Recursion. Let $G$ be a class function from the class of all sets into the class of all sets. Then there is a class function $F$ from the class of ordinals to the class of all sets so that for any ordinal $\eta$ we have

$$F(\eta) = G(F{\restriction}_{\eta}).$$

For instance, one could start like this: consider a class function $G$ so that for any set $x$, $G(x) = \bigcup\mathrm{ran}(x)$ if $x$ is a relation and $G(x) = \varnothing$ otherwise.

Then there is a class function $F$ so that for any ordinal $\alpha$, $F(\eta) = G(F{\restriction}_{\eta}) = \bigcup\mathrm{ran}(F{\restriction}_{\eta}) = \bigcup_{\xi < \eta} F(\xi)$.

But then we would need a way to obtain a set $\bigcup_{\xi < \eta} (F(\xi) + 1)$ from a set $\bigcup_{\xi < \eta} F(\xi)$ for every ordinal $\alpha$, and I currently don't see it. Perhaps, it was a wrong strategy to begin with.

Moreover, even if we had a a class function $F$ sending each ordinal $\eta$ to $\bigcup_{\xi < \eta} F(\xi)$, we would still need to somehow obtain a class function $H$ sending each ordinal $\eta$ to $\max\{f(\eta),\bigcup_{\xi < \eta} F(\xi) \}$.

Of course, any such class function $H$ could to restricted to $\alpha$ to obtain a desired function $g$.

Best Answer

Just define $$G(x)=\max\{f(\operatorname{dom}(x)),\bigcup\{a+1:a\in\operatorname{ran}(x)\}\}.$$ More generally, if you're constructing something by recursion, you almost never want to do it "piecemeal" the way you did with the $G$ you proposed. The whole point is that you define $G$ to be the function that takes the sequence you have so far to the next term of the sequence.

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