Applying Rouché’s theorem in a square


I've got to determine the number of zeroes of the function $f: \mathbb{C} \rightarrow \mathbb{C}$, $f(z)=z^2+e^{z-1}$ inside the square with the corners
$3 \pm 3i $ and $-3 \pm 3i $.

Of course I was thinking of applying Rouché's theorem for the inner disk centered at zero with radius $3$ and the outer disk with radius $\sqrt{3^2+3^2}=\sqrt{18}$ in order to show that in both regions the number of zeroes is equal.

For the inner disc I get:

$|e^{3-1}|\leq |3^2|$ for $z=3$. So $z^2+e^{z-1}$ has the same numbers of zeroes as $z^2$. That is $2$.

Now for the outer disc I get:

$|e^{\sqrt{18}-1}|\geq18$ for $z=\sqrt{18}$, which means that here I can't apply Rouché's theorem.

I don't see other ways to determine the number of zeroes. Am I missing something in my approach?

Best Answer

You may apply Rouché's theorem directly with respect to the given square $K$.

If $z\in \partial K$ then $|z|^2\geq 3^2=9$ and $$|e^{z-1}|=e^{x-1}\leq e^2$$ where $z=x+iy$ with $-3\leq x\leq 3$ and $-3\leq y\leq 3$. So for any $z\in\partial K$ we have that $$|e^{z-1}|\leq e^2<9\leq |z|^2$$ which implies that $z^2$ and $f(z)=z^2+e^{z-1}$ have the same number of zeros inside $K$, that is $2$.

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