Apply the floor function in algebra


I was reading a statistics paper and saw a formula with floor operators. I wondered how to solve for one of the variables in the formula, but realized that I did not know how to work with these things.

I have the following, where I am trying to solve for $a$.

$y = \lfloor log(a) – log(b) \rfloor + 1$

I am confused about the order of operations with the floor operators $\lfloor \rfloor$.

I see some options

  1. Ignore the floor and solve for $a$

$y = log(a) – log(b) + 1$

$y – 1 + log(b) = log(a)$

$a = exp[y – 1 + log(b) ]$

  1. Apply floor to each expression in the formula then use ceiling

$y = \lfloor log(a) – log(b) \rfloor + 1$

$y = \lfloor log(a) \rfloor – \lfloor log(b) \rfloor + 1$

$\lfloor log(a) \rfloor = y – 1 + \lfloor log(b) \rfloor$

$log(a) = \lceil y – 1 + \lfloor log(b) \rfloor\rceil$

$a = exp[\lceil y – 1 + \lfloor log(b) \rfloor\rceil]$

I could keep going with more I think, but I hope this gets the point across. I don't know how to do algebra with these ceiling and floor operators.

Best Answer

You have that $m = \lfloor{x}\rfloor$ if and only if $m \leq x < m + 1$. Thus, $$ y - 1 = \lfloor \log(a) - \log(b) \rfloor \implies y - 1 \leq \log(a) - \log(b) < y $$ and so we get $$ y - 1 + \log(b) \leq \log(a) < y + \log(b) $$ Exponentiating $$ be^{y - 1} \leq a < be^y $$ and so on...