Apply Newton-Raphson method to find the solutions to

computational mathematicscubicsnewton raphsonnumerical methods

Apply Newton-Raphson method to find the solutions to the equation $x^3-5x=0$ starting with an initial guess of $x_0 = 1$.

While using Newton Raphson method, the value doesn't converge to a specific number. Rather, every iteration either gives $1$ or $-1$. Why does this happen? Any graphical interpretation for this?

Best Answer

For the graph of $f(x)=x^3-5x$, we have $f'(x)=3x^2-5$ $$f(1)=-4$$ $$f'(-1)=4$$ $$f'(1)=-2=f'(-1)$$

The tangent line at $x=1$ is $y+4=-2(x-1)$ which is $y=-2x-2$.

The tangent line at $x=-1$ is $y-4=-2(x+1)$ which is $y=-2x+2$

Geometrically, what has happened is you are trapped in the following cycle.

enter image description here

Starting from $(1,-4)$, by traveling along the tangent, we intercept the $x$-axis at $x=-1$. From $(-1,4)$, by trveling along the tangent, we intercept the $x$-axis at $x=1$.

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