Any ideas…Prove that the centres of the circles circumscribing triangles $EBA$, $FBD$, and $GCA$ form an equilateral triangle…



Consider the rhombus $ABCD$ with centre $O$, with $\angle DAB < 60°$ and the equilateral triangle $ABE$ so that the points $E$ and $D$ are on either side of the line $AB$. The center circle $E$ and radius $AB$ intersect the line $AC$ at the points $F$ and $A$, and the line $BD$ at the points $G$ and $B$. Prove that the centres of the circles circumscribing triangles $EBA$, $FBD$, and $GCA$ form an equilateral triangle.


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We see that $\angle BGA \cdot 2=\angle BEA=60$, which means that $\angle BGA=30$

Because $ABCD$ is a rhombus, the diagonals are perpendicular $\implies \angle GOA=90$

Using the 30-angle theorem we can simply show that $OA \cdot 2 =GA=CA$

Because $OG$ is the perpendicular but also the median of the triangle $GCA \implies CG=GA $

From the congruences, we can show that $CGA$ is an equilateral triangle.

WE can show that $B$ isn't the center of the circumscribing circle, because $OA^2=OB \cdot OG$, which makes $BG=3k$ and $OK=k$

We also know that triangle $DFB$ is isosceles.

ALSO $BFAG$ is an writable quadrilateral

I don't know what to do forward. Hope one of you can help me! Thank you!

Best Answer

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In the figure,

Note that $$\angle AEB= 60^{\text o} \implies \angle ALB =\angle AGB= 30^{\text o}$$ $$$$ \begin{align} \angle CFB= \angle ALB & \implies \angle CFB = 30^{\text o} \\ & \implies \angle CIB=60^{\text o}\\ & \implies \angle CIB = \angle AEB=60^{\text o} \\ & \implies E, A, I, B \; \;\mathrm{are \; concyclic.} \tag{1} \end{align}

Similarly $\angle AJB = \angle AEB =60^{\text o} \implies E, A, B, J \; \;\mathrm{are \; concyclic.} \tag{2}$

$(1), (2) \implies E, A, I, B, J$ lie on the same circle.

Since $H$ is the center of circle $EAB$, $HI=HJ \; \mathrm{(radii)} \tag{3}$

Next observe that $\angle IAJ = \angle KAJ = 90^{\text o}-60^{\text o}=30^{\text o}$

$\therefore \angle IHJ =2 \times \angle IAJ = 60^{\text o} \tag{4}$

$(3), (4) \implies $ $\Delta HIJ$ is an equilateral triangle.

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