Another coins weighing puzzle


In a bank safe deposit box 80 identical coins can be found, of which 2 or 3 are fake.

Jason knows that there are 3 fake coins and has also identified them.

He is challenged to prove it to his friends Christian and Mary, who both know that the fake coins are 2 or 3 and, in addition, know that each fake coins weigh 1 gram less than the genuine ones.

Jason can use a balance scale to perform as many weighings as he likes, but without giving away the identity (fake/genuine) of any coin, at any stage in the process.

Which are the optimum number of weighings that Jason must do so as to prove to his friends that the fake coins are exactly 3? No tricks are allowed 🙂

To clarify, there is no limitation in the number of weighings; Jason can do as many as he wants (we are not necessarily looking for the minimum number).

Below are my thoughts:
Jason randomly picks 64 coins and weighs 32 against the other 32.

We have the following cases:

  1. The scale balances, so we have either 0+0 (all are genuine) or 1+1.
    In this case, we again split them into two groups 16+16 and weight one against the other. If they balance, we are in the case of 0+0. Otherwise we have 1+1. So we know we have at least 2 fake coins. Then we need to prove that in the remaining 16 coins there is 1 more fake.
  2. The scale does not balance. We either have 0+1, or 0+2 or 0+3 or 1+2 (in any order). We take the lighter group and split them into 16+16. If the scale balances, we are in one of the first 3 cases. We then know that the second group contains from 1 to 3 fake. Then we take the 2nd group and split it into 16+16. Again we have the following cases: 1-0, 1+1, 2+0, 3+0, 1+2.
    If the scale balances, we know we have 1+1. Then we need to prove that in the remaining 16 coins there is 1 more fake.
  3. If it does not, we take the heavier and split it into 8+8. If the scale balances, we know we have 0+0 fake so we are in one of the cases 1+0, 2+0 or 3+0. We then take the lighter (for which we know it contains 1 or 2 or 3 fake) and split it into 8+8. We again have 5 cases: 1-0, 1+1, 2+0, 3+0, 1+2.

If the scale does not balance, we have 1+2 (so we know for sure we have >2 fake).

We continue with the remaining cases and then do the same with the 16 coins.

Will this work? Can anyone provide a complete solution?

Best Answer

Here is a simple solution that works. There are many combinations that you can use. The idea is to make sure you are always making 3 such groups and weighing them against each another so that all of them balance. Also any transfer should be done in a way that you cannot tell whether you transferred a fake or a real.

Jason makes 6 groups as below (there are many more possible solutions as you can understand after reading through my solution) -

G1 = 20 coins, G2 = 20 coins, G3 = 20 coins

G4 = 7 coins (1 fake coin), G5 = 7 coins (1 fake coin), G6 = 6 coins (1 fake coin)

He weighs G1 against G2 and G2 against G3. This shows to Mary and Christian that either G1, G2 and G3 all have 1 fake each or none of them have any fake.

Now Jason transfers 1 coin from G1 to G4, 1 from G2 to G5 and 2 from G3 to G6 (he can also take 2,2,3 or 3,3,4 or other counts as well making sure G4, G5 and G6 have equal number of coins after transfer).

So G4, G5 and G6 all have 8 coins each now after the transfer. Now he weighs G4 against G5 and G5 against G6. They all balance. This shows Mary and Christian that there are 3 fake coins as they know there are either 2 or 3 (they know zero or another multiple of 3 is not an option).

But what they cannot tell whether the fake coins were there in G4, G5 and G6 from before or the transferred coins were fake or fake one's are still in G1, G2 and G3.

I hope it is clear. Let me know if any questions.

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