Angle between equal sides of isosceles triangle


Consider the points $u = (1,1,−1)$ , $v = (a,2,−1)$ and $w = (1,2,−1)$ in $R^3$, where $a \in R$. There are three possible values of $a$ for which $u, v$ and $w$ will form an isosceles triangle.

How do we find these values of a and hence how can we find the angle between the equal sides of the triangle?

Best Answer

We have two cases:

  1. $$|u-v|=|u-w|,$$ which gives $$(a-1)^2+1=1$$ or $a=1$, which is impossible, otherwise $v=w$;
  2. $$|v-w|=|u-w|,$$ which gives $$(a-1)^2=1,$$ which gives two values of $a$.