Analytic Solution for Second-Order Nonlinear PDE

fourier analysisfourier transformordinary differential equationspartial differential equationsphysics

Consider the following partial differential equation,
\frac{\partial\rho}{\partial t}=\frac{1}{k}\ln\left(1+e^{k\alpha\nabla^{2}\rho}\right)-\alpha\nabla^{2}\rho.

Assuming a one dimensional system, we may set $\nabla^{2}\rho$ to $\frac{\partial^{2}\rho}{\partial x^{2}}$. Separation of variables doesn't seem to apply here. However, a Fourier transform yields


such that


for the system in eq. $1$ denoted by $\rho_{t}=\frac{1}{k}\ln\left(1+e^{k\alpha\rho_{\times\times}}\right)-\alpha\rho_{\times\times}$. How could one solve eq. $2$ or use another method for eq. $1$? I would be grateful for any help.

Best Answer

Solved in comments by simplifying the problem as a variant of the heat equation. However, any new thoughts on the original nonlinear PDE are welcome.

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