Analogies between Hodge conjecture and Tate conjecture


I hear sometimes that there is many analogies between the Hodge conjecture and the Tate conjecture.
If we take a look at the statements of this two conjectures, we have the followings :

  • The Tate conjecture :

Let $k$ be a field and let $X$ be a smooth geometrically irreducible projective variety over $k$ of dimension $d$.

We denote by $\overline{X} = X \times_k \overline{k}$ the base change of $X$ to the algebraic closure $\overline{k}$.

The Galois group $G = Gal ( \overline{k} / k )$ then acts on $\overline{X}$ via the second factor.

Let $Z^r ( \overline{X} )$ be the free abelian group generated by the irreducible closed subvarieties of $\overline{X}$ of codimension $r$ ( $1 \leq r \leq d$ ). An element of $ Z^r ( \overline{X} ) $ is called an algebraic cycle of codimension $ r $ on $\overline{X}$.

Let $\ell $ be a prime different from $p = \mathrm{car} (k) \geq 0$.
There is a cycle map ( of $G$ – modules ) :

$$ c^r \ : \ Z^r ( \overline{X} ) \otimes \mathbb{Q}_{ \ell } \to H^{2r} ( \overline{X} , \mathbb{Q}_{ \ell } ( r ) )^G $$

which associates to every algebraic cycle an $ \ell $ – adic etale cohomology class.

Suppose $k$ is finitely generated over its prime field.

Then, the Tate conjecture says that the map $c^r$ is surjective.

  • The Hodge conjecture :

For each integer $ p \in \mathbb{N} $, let $ H^{p,p} (X) $ denotes the subspace of $ H^{2p} ( X ,\mathbb{C} ) $ of type $ (p,p) $.

The group of rational $ (p,p) $- cycles : $ H^{p,p} (X , \mathbb{Q} ) = H^{2p} ( X , \mathbb{Q} ) \cap H^{p,p} (X) $ is called the group of rational Hodge classes of type $ (p,p) $.

An $ r $ -cycle of an algebraic variety $ X $ is a formal finite linear combination $ \displaystyle \sum_{ i \in [1,h] } m_i Z_i $ of closed irreducible subvarieties $ Z $ of dimension $ r $ with integer coefficients $ m_i $.

The group of $ r $ -cycles is denoted by $ \mathcal{Z}_r (X) $.

On a compact complex algebraic manifold, the class of closed irreducible subvarieties of codimension $ p $ extends into a linear morphism :

$$ \mathrm{cl}_{ \mathbb{Q} } \ : \ \mathcal{Z}_{p} (X) \otimes \mathbb{Q} \to H^{p,p} (X, \mathbb{Q} ) $$
defined by : $ \mathrm{cl}_{ \mathbb{Q} } \big( \sum_{ i \in [1,h] } m_i Z_i \big) = \sum_{ i \in [1,h] } m_i \eta_{Z_{i}} \ , \ \forall m_i \in \mathbb{Q} $.

The elements of the image of $ \mathrm{cl}_{ \mathbb{Q} } $ are called rational algebraic Hodge classes of type $ (p,p) $.

The Hodge conjecture says :

On a non-singular complex projective variety, any rational Hodge class of type $ (p,p) $ is algebraic, i.e : in the image of $ \mathrm{cl}_{ \mathbb{Q} } $.

  • Questions :

If we look at the statements of the two conjectures above, and look for similarities between them, which group $G$ is it such that: $H^{2k} (X, \mathbb{Q})^G = H^{2p } (X, \mathbb {Q}) \cap H ^ {p, p} (X)$ to bring the statement of Hodge's conjecture closer to the statement of Tate's conjecture?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Best Answer

You can find similarities between both conjectures by observing that the $\ell$-adic cohomologies appearing in Tate conjecture are objects of the category of $\mathbb{Q}_{\ell}[G]$-modules (may be continuous), where $G$ is the Galois group here, and $$H^{2r} ( \overline{X} , \mathbb{Q}_{ \ell } ( r ) )^G\cong \operatorname{Hom}_{\mathbb{Q}_{\ell}[G]}(\mathbb{Q}_{\ell}, H^{2r} ( \overline{X} , \mathbb{Q}_{ \ell } ( r )) ).$$ Now, for the Hodge Conjecture, you need to find an appropriate category to play the role of $\mathbb{Q}_{\ell}[G]$-modules, and this is the Hodge Mixed Structures (I abbreviate MHS). This is a Tannakian category, and it has an object called $\mathbb{Q}[0]$, which plays the analogous role of $\mathbb{Q}_{\ell}$ in the $\ell$-adic setting. We have that the cohomology $H^{2r} ( X , \mathbb{Q} ) $ together with the Hodge Filtration when tensoring by $\mathbb{C}$ and with the "trivial" weight filtration of weight $2r$ (since $X$ is smooth and projective) is a Hodge Mixed Structure (so $H^{2r} ( X , \mathbb{Q} )(r) $ has weight $0$) , and that $$ H^{p,p} (X , \mathbb{Q} ) = H^{2p} ( X , \mathbb{Q} ) \cap H^{p,p} (X) \cong \operatorname{Hom}_{MHS}(\mathbb{Q}[0], H^{2r} ( X , \mathbb{Q}) ( r ) ).$$

What it is more interesting, we also get an interpretation of the (Griffiths) intermediate Jacobian (in fact the group of points and tensor with $\mathbb{Q}$) as $$\operatorname{Ext}^1_{MHS}(\mathbb{Q}[0], H^{2r-1} ( X , \mathbb{Q}) ( r ) ).$$ and a unified construction of the cycle map and the Abel-Jacobi map in both settings (where the $\ell$-adic intermediate Jacobian is essentially $H^1(G,H^{2r-1} ( \overline{X} , \mathbb{Q}_{ \ell } ( r ))$ ).

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