An open set in complex plane is the countable union of compact sets and locally compact hausdorff


For part of a problem, I need to show an open set $U \subset \mathbb{C}$ is a $\sigma$-compact locally compact hausdorff space. ($\sigma$-compact is countable union of compact sets)

I suspect its trivial – but I'm having trouble reasoning. Thoughts?

Best Answer

Local compactness is trivial: for each $w\in U$, consider a closed ball centered at $z$ and contained in $U$. Being Hausdorff is also trivial: each metric space is Hausdorff.

In order to prove that $U$ is $\sigma$-compact, let$$K_n=\left\{z\in U\,\middle|\,\lvert z\rvert\leqslant n\wedge d(z,\delta U)\geqslant\frac1n\right\}.$$Then each $K_n$ is compact and $U=\bigcup_{n\in\mathbb N}K_n$.

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