An open set in a topological space


I recently started learning topology to help me understand limits and continuity better for calculus, and I am struggling with some of the definitions.

What I am getting confused with is why is every set in a topology considered to be open and when talking about sets in the topology we always say the set is open.

My intuitive notion of openness from previous knowledge of mathematics is an interval that does not contain its endpoints, so there is an infinite sequence at the end points, e.g., $(0,1)$ is an open interval.

However, in topology, for example, the singleton $\{1\}$
is considered an open set—how is this so? Why are sets in a topology always open? And what is the definition of an open set in a topological space?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

The whole point of having a general topology is that you get to define which sets are and aren't "open", to make the rules of the game, and then get to see what that does and how things are different in the "world" so created versus the usual real numbers. If we take the idea that an open set "doesn't contain its own boundary", which is what you are after but how I originally heard it phrased, being able to define open sets to be whatever you want them to be (so long as you meet the rules for how they must be structured under union and intersection) means, in effect, you get to define what constitutes a "boundary" and what doesn't. You get to make what is and isn't an "end point".

To see why that has an impact, note that the only reason that $0$ and $1$ are "boundaries" of $(0, 1)$ is because of the ordering on the reals, which ensures that $0 < x < 1$ whenever $x \in (0, 1)$, and also, there's nothing in between 0 and 1 and the set $(0, 1)$, i.e. no points $y$ such that $0 < y < x$ for every $x \in (0, 1)$, and similarly for $1$.

But suppose we re-ordered the reals, so that both points $0$ and $1$ came before the points we consider to be in $(0, 1)$ (in the usual definition.). E.g. suppose we ordered the reals to look like

$$(\text{stuff}) < 0 < 1 < 2 < (\text{stuff}) < (\text{the numbers in $(0, 1)$}) < (\text{more stuff})$$

Now, suddenly, $(0, 1)$ no longer has boundary points $0$ and $1$. So there is no absolute notion of a "boundary point". It depends on the order, and we just redefined what the boundary was by redefining the order.

And topology is even more flexible than that. And orders are just one source, but far from the only one, of topologies.