An inconsistency between the nabla operator in differential geometry and classical mechanics


I've recently finished a course in differential geometry, and I was having a look at some of my old classical mechanics notes. I found the following written in my notes:

Under the influence of a conservative potential energy $U$, a particle of mass $m$ and position $\underline{\mathrm{r}}$ obeys the equation
$$m\underline{\ddot{\mathrm{r}}}=-\nabla U\tag{1}$$

While the motivation and meaning of this equation is very clear, there is a slight problem. In my differential geometry course, I learned that the $\nabla$ operator, also known as the covariant or semicolon derivative, is defined to act on an $(r,s)$ tensor, in components, as

$$(\nabla\mathbf{T})^{i_1..i_r}_{j_1..j_s~k}=\\ \partial_kT^{i_1..i_r}_{j_1..j_s}\\+\Gamma^{i_1}_{k~l}T^{l~i_2..i_r}_{j_1..j_s}+\dots+\Gamma^{i_r}_{k~l}T^{i_1..i_{r-1}~l}_{j_1..j_s}\\-\Gamma^l_{k~j_1} T^{i_1..i_r}_{l~j_2..j_s}-\dots -\Gamma^l_{k~j_s}T^{i_1..i_r}_{j_1..j_{s-1}~l}$$

In particular the covariant derivative of a scalar $\phi$ should be
This is a covector. However, going back to (1),
$$m\underline{\ddot{\mathrm{r}}}=-\nabla U$$
The left hand side is a vector! Position is a vector, so its time derivative should be a vector – right??

So what's the deal here? Is equation (1) wrong? It's used quite a lot in classical mechanics, with correct results too. In (1) should I instead write $\nabla^{\mathrm{T}}U$ to indicate the transpose? Or should I just ditch the symbol altogether and write
Which, although correct, is rather inelegant? I would appreciate some advice here.


This other user seems to define the nabla operator contravariantly. Is this standard outside of differential geometry and topology?

Best Answer

Right, they are different nablas. $\nabla U$ here is actually referring to the gradient, which by definition is $\text{grad}(U):= g^{\sharp}(dU)=g^{\sharp}(\nabla U)$; i.e the vector field associated to the $1$-form $dU=\nabla U$ (here this $\nabla U$ refers to the one from differential geometry; it is a $(0,1)$ tensor field/covector field/one-form).

And if you want to write $F=ma$ in truly differential geometric notation, you'd write (letting $\gamma$ denote the trajectory of the particle) \begin{align} m\nabla_{\dot{\gamma}}\dot{\gamma} &= -\text{grad}(U)=-g^{\sharp}(dU)=-g^{\sharp}(\nabla U). \end{align} "mass times acceleration is force = minus gradient of potential energy"

As an aside:

In terms of a chart, this expression yields \begin{align} m\left(\ddot{x}^i + \Gamma^i_{jk}\dot{x}^j\dot{x}^k\right) &= -g^{ij}\dfrac{\partial U}{\partial x^j} \end{align} (everything evaluated at appropriate places, and of course I really mean $x\circ \gamma$). If you use cartesian coordinates in $\Bbb{R}^3$ this reduces to the simple $m\ddot{x}=-\frac{\partial U}{\partial x}$ likewise for $y$ and $z$.

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