An identity involving binomial coefficients and Bernoulli numbers.

bernoulli numbersbinomial-coefficientscombinatorics

While solving a problem I came across the following identity, which holds by numerical evidence:
\sum_{k=1}^i\frac1k\binom{i}{k-1}\binom kj{B_{k-j}}=\delta_{ij}.

where $B$ are the Bernoulli numbers.

I have no experience with Bernoulli numbers, so any hint for proving the equality will be appreciated.

Best Answer

We have the following claim where $n\ge j$ (the sum is zero when $n\lt j$ and the claim holds by inspection)

$$\sum_{k=j}^n \frac{1}{k} {n\choose k-1} {k\choose j} B _{k-j} = \delta_{nj}.$$

This is

$$\sum_{k=j}^n {n+1\choose k} {k\choose j} B _{k-j} = \delta_{nj} \times (n+1).$$


$${n+1\choose k} {k\choose j} = \frac{(n+1)!}{(n+1-k)! \times j! \times (k-j)!} = {n+1\choose j} {n+1-j\choose k-j}$$

and we find

$$\sum_{k=j}^n {n+1-j\choose k-j} B_{k-j} = \delta_{nj} \times (n+1) \times {n+1\choose j}^{-1}$$


$$\sum_{k=0}^{n-j} {n+1-j\choose k} B_{k} = \delta_{nj} \times (n+1) \times {n+1\choose j}^{-1} \\ = \delta_{nj} \times (n+1) \times {n+1\choose n}^{-1} = \delta_{nj}.$$

To prove this last form we put on the LHS

$$-B_{n+1-j} + \sum_{k=0}^{n+1-j} {n+1-j\choose k} B_{k} \\ = -B_{n+1-j} + (n+1-j)! [z^{n+1-j}] \frac{z}{\exp(z)-1} \exp(z).$$

Observe that

$$\frac{z}{\exp(z)-1} \exp(z) = \frac{z}{\exp(z)-1} (\exp(z)-1) + \frac{z}{\exp(z)-1} \\ = z + \frac{z}{\exp(z)-1}$$

so that we get

$$-B_{n+1-j} + (n+1-j)! [z^{n+1-j}] z + (n+1-j)! [z^{n+1-j}] \frac{z}{\exp(z)-1} \\ = - B_{n+1-j} + (n+1-j)! \delta_{nj} + B_{n+1-j} = \delta_{nj},$$

which is the RHS. This concludes the argument.