An example computation with a form that is closed but not exact


I'm working on the following question in munkres:

Let $A = \mathbb{R}^2-0$; let $$\omega = (-y\,dx + x\, dy)/(x^2+y^2)$$ in $A$. Show $\omega$ is closed but not exact in $A$.

This is a multi-part question, so I've posted an image of all the parts (I wrote the question so it could be searched).

enter image description here

My questions correspond to the parts of problem:

b. This clearly "smells" like polar coordinates. Indeed, if $\phi(x,y) = \tan^{-1}(y/x)$ the formulas are verified "almost everywhere" on B. However, the fact that the formula above doesn't work everywhere (namely $x=0$) gives me pause. The way he asks the question makes me think there's a way of showing uniqueness without producing an explicit formula for $\phi$, but I cannot see the argument. Thoughts?

c. My original thought was to consider $f_1(x,y,t) = (x^2+y^2)^{1/2}\cos t – x$ and $f_2(x,y,t) = (x^2+y^2)^{1/2}\cos t – y$. Then use implicit fxn theorem to conclude there exists $g(x,y) = t$ — this gets me regularity of $g$ too. But there are some periodic problems. For $f_1$: $\frac{\partial f_1}{\partial t} = 0$ when $t = k\pi$ so this $g(x,y)$ isn't defined everywhere. How would one proceed showing this then? How is the hint used?

d. Do b/c provide an explicit formula then? How is the hint used?

e. So in d, we showed $\omega$ is exact. The given formula shows $\omega$ is a one form. Then by this part, we conclude $\phi$ is constant on $B$?

f. I don't understand what the hint is suggesting I do.

I think the point of the problem is to show that the domain of the form matters — is this correct?

Best Answer

Yes, it's just polar coordinates. Define $\phi:B\to \mathbb R$ as follows:

If $x>0, y\ge0,$ then $\phi(x,y)=\tan^{-1}(y/x).$

If $x\le0,y>0$ then $\phi(x,y)=-\tan^{-1}(x/y)+\frac{\pi}{2}.$

If $x<0,y\le0$ then $\phi(x,y)=\tan^{-1}(y/x)+\pi.$

If $x>0,y\le 0$ then $\phi(x,y)=-\tan^{-1}(x/y)+\frac{3\pi}{2}.$

Then, $\phi$ is smooth on $B$. Now, fix a point $p=(x,y):x>0,y\ge0.$ Then, $d\phi: T_pB\to T_{\phi(p)}\mathbb R$ is given by

$(d\phi)_p=(\partial_x)_pdx+(\partial_y)_pdy=\frac{-y}{x^2 + y^2}dx+\frac{x}{x^2 + y^2}dy=\omega.$

The same formula for $\omega$ is obtained in the other quadrants of $\mathbb R^2\cap B$.

If $g$ is a closed $0$-form, then $dg=0$. Now, in local coordinates, $dg=\partial_xgdx+\partial_ygdy.$ As $dg$ is $identically$ zero in $B$, we have $dg(\frac{\partial}{\partial x})_p=(\partial_xg)_p=0$ for all $p\in B.$ Similarly, $(\partial_yg)_p=0.$ Now you can either use the hint or just observe that since both partial derivatives of $g$ vanish on the connected set $B$, in fact $g$ must be constant there.

If $\omega=df$ on $A$ then in particular $df-d\phi=\omega-\omega=0$ on $B$ so $f-\phi=c,$ some constant, on $B$. Using the hint, $\lim_{y\to 0^-}(f(1,y)-\phi(1,y))=f(1,0)+2\pi=c$ and $\lim_{y\to 0^+}(f(1,y)-\phi(1,y))=f(1,0)=c$, which implies that $2\pi=0,$ a contradiction.

But it's easier just to integrate both sides around the unit circle. That is, if $\omega=df$ then $\int \omega=2\pi$ by direct calculation, whereas $\int df=0$ by the FTC. Or you can argue that if $\omega=df$ then, $df =\frac{-y}{x^2 + y^2}dx+\frac{x}{x^2 + y^2}dy$ with $\partial f_x=\frac{-y}{x^2 + y^2}$ and $\partial f_y=\frac{x}{x^2 + y^2}$. But then, you get a contradiction because the mixed partials are not equal.

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