An “easy” way to construct an epimorphism from S4 to S3


I'm trying to construct an epimorphism φ from S4 to S3 such that:

H = ker(φ) = {(1),(12)(34),(13)(24),(14)(23)}

where H is a normal subgroup of S4, contained in A4 and isomorphic to the Klein 4-group.

I've tried to look up the question here and I've found out some similar threads like these ones:

but if it's possible I'm looking for a more immediate and natural way to construct it.

Does anyone have some ideas?

Thanks in advance for your kindly help.


Now it's clear how to construct the required morphism.

What about finding it without using that H is normal?

Best Answer

Here is a suggestion: to get such a map, what you want is a group action of $S_4$ on three things. It would be natural to look at the left-multiplication action on cosets of a subgroup of index 3/order 8 in $S_4$. The dihedral subgroup $D_8$ of $S_4$ generated by $(1, 2, 3, 4)$ and $(1, 3)$ has order 8 (it consists of $V_4$ together with the elements $(1, 2, 3, 4), (1, 3), (2, 4)$, and $(1, 4, 3, 2)$), and it will work.

You need to show that you can realise any permutation of the three cosets of $D_8$ as left-multiplication by an element of $S_4$, and you need to check that the kernel of the action is $V_4$. To get started, find a complete set of coset representatives of $D_8$ in $S_4$...