An algebraic solution for $\log_3(x+1)+\log_2(x)=5$


The logarithmic equation


has an obvious solution, namely $x=8$. However, I can't seen to find an algebraic demonstration/deduction of this fact. This has been an "unsolvable" problem for me since my early days in elementary/middle school. Any solution not relying on inspection would be appreciated.

EDIT: Driven by @TobyMak's comments: The main issue here is that this problem was supposed to be solved by a middle school student. Using analysis and knowing beforehand that $x=8$ solves the equation does the job. I would like to know if there are finite algebraic steps which lead to the result.

Best Answer

$$\log_3(x+1)+\log_2 x=5$$

$$\log_3(x+1)=5-\log_2 x$$

$$x+1=3^{5-\log_2 x}$$

For integer solutions for x we must have:

$$5-\log_2 x>0$$

$$\log_2 x<5$$

Therefore we must check numbers 4, 3,2, 1 which gives:

$\log_2 x= 1, 2, 3, 4$

$x=2, 4, 8, 16$

These solution must also satisfy the initial equation; corresponding values are:

$\log_3 (x+1)=5-\log_2x=5-1=4,5-2= 3,5-3= 2,5-4= 1$

$x+1= 3^4=81, 3^3=27, 3^2=9, 3^1=3$

$x= 80, 26, 8, 2$

The only common solution is 8.

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