Alternating Bilinear form, nilpotent map problem: Where is the error

bilinear-formlinear algebra

The problem is the following:

Let $V$ be a finite dimensional $\mathbb{C}$-vector space, and $b : V \times V \to \mathbb{C}$ a non-
degenerate symmetric bilinear form. Let $f : V \to V$ be a nilpotent $\mathbb{C}$-linear map
such that
$$ b(f(x), y) = -b(x, f(y)) $$
for all $x, y$ in $V$ . If $ \dim \ker f = 1$ show that $\dim V$ is odd.

My (slightly flawed) solution attempt is the following: Define $b_f(x,y) = b(f(x),y)$. Then, the fact that $ b(f(x), y) = -b(x, f(y)) $ implies that $b_f$ is a skew-symmetric bilinear form. Let $W$ be any vector space complement to $\ker(f)$. Suppose that $b_f(x,y) =0$, for all $y \in V$. Then, $b(f(x), y) =0 $ for all $y \in V$, so that $f(x) =0$. Now, as I was typing I realized here was my error because I did not have the quantifier on $y$ previously, so at this point I concluded that $b_f \mid_{W \times W}$ is non-degenerate, and so $W$ is even dimensional and then I would be done.

Since this proof is wrong:

  1. Is this even on the right track?

  2. What is a correct proof, or hint toward one?

Best Answer

You proved that : if $x\in W$ and $b_f(x,y) = 0$ for all $y\in V$, then $x=0$ (indeed, $f(x)=0$, so $x\in \ker f \cap W = 0$).

Now suppose the same holds only for $y\in W$; and let $z\in V$. Write $z=y+z'$ with $y\in W, z'\in \ker f$. What can you say about $b_f(x,z) $ ?

It follows that $b_{f\mid W\times W}$ is non-degenerate.

This amounts essentially to Omnomnomnom's comment, where they consider $V/\ker f$ instead of $W$ (in linear algebra over fields, quotients do essentially the same thing as complements)